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Our center was established with the Kayseri University "ANCESTOR SEED APPLICATION AND RESEARCH CENTER Regulation" published in the Official Gazette dated August 23, 2021 and numbered 31577. Our center provides service in the Develi Hüseyin Şahin Vocational School B Block building located on the Develi Seyrani campus. There are 2 academicians in total, 1 Center Director and 1 Center Deputy Director, working within our unit. The importance and value of plant genetic resources, which are indispensable basic raw materials of food and agriculture, are increasing day by day. Old local varieties and populations are extremely valuable genetic resources because they are highly adapted to the climate and soil conditions of the regions they are located in and are resistant to diseases and pests. In addition, they contain many quality elements. Since modern varieties and especially F1 hybrid varieties are widespread all over the world, producers have to purchase seedlings regularly every year. This situation constantly creates external dependency in seed supply. For this reason, the cultivation of local varieties has been abandoned and these valuable local resources have begun to disappear. In recent years, F1 hybrid seedlings have also begun to be used in vegetable farming in Kayseri and its surroundings. This situation causes the need to purchase new seeds and seedlings every year. As it is known, since vegetables are annual plants, the cultivation of old local varieties is rapidly being abandoned with the introduction of new productive and qualified varieties into the market, and in time, they are faced with the danger of disappearing completely and disappearing. With the activities to be carried out within the scope of our center, the collection of local vegetable seeds, whose existence is decreasing day by day, their morphological and molecular characterization, regeneration, preservation and reintroduction to production are aimed with the Ancestor Seed Application and Research Center, which has a systematic infrastructure that is in line with technological and standards and is sustainable. The greenhouses within our center will also offer internship and application opportunities to both our own students and students from other universities. Various theoretical and practical training and seminars will be organized within the Kayseri University Ancestor Seed Application and Research Center for both our students and individuals interested in the sector.